The breach ( }∅{ ) evokes the destiny of the persona chaosmic evocationwithout ever saying definitively what that means. It speaks asymptotically to infinitions. The syncopation of infinitions, empirically attestable, finds its way through the breach. Rhythmosophy is the style of inquiry that prepares to both listen for and respond to asymptotic destinies. Rhythmosophy is one of the disciplines which illuminates only insofar as the person is integral to its guiding organon.
Labels: dogma, improvisation, insomnia, method, misreading, personhood
the german is wrong. what do you want to say?
I think I meant "Einige menschlichen Weltunbegriffe" but would rather "Ein menschlicher Weltunbegriff." I mean "a human world(un)concept" Will amend and correct as needed. Thank you for pointing it out and offering to help. Maybe I mean "Viele menschlichen Weltunbegriffe." Or just "Die menschlichen Weltunbegriffe."
yes. you're welcome. it's intricated. It wasn't clear to me in which casus your headline was operating in. But if you're simple meaning the nominative of course: "Einige menschlichE Weltunbegriffe" is possible too. Similarly, it would be "Viele menschlichE Weltunbegriffe". Do you know Hans Blumenberg's "Theorie der Unbegrifflichkeit"?
re your Grassi reading, Grassi is more elaborate on Terpsichore in another book: Vorrang des Wortes.
No, I wasn't aware of Blumenberg's "Theorie der Unbegrifflichkeit." (I was just playing around too late at night.) Sounds intriguing.
Definitely I want to check out more Grassi. Thanks for the pointer.
yes the Blumenberg one is intriguing indeed. shame it only is a fragment. it's kind of continuing his "paradigms on metaphorology".
grassi is enjoyable but the problem, i find, is that he all the time is so scattered. like with terpsichore, in 'primordial metaphor' she gets ditched while in 'vorrang des wortes' you get all the details. so one has to read all his stuff to get the picture but that's nice, it's like seeing and thinking a mosaic. you're the only person on the internet i have ever seen reading grassi.
I stumbled upon Grassi's Primordial Metaphor in a bookstore (Powell's). Actually I like to spend hours and hours pouring over books before I decide which ones to buy, so there's some method to my stumbling upon books. I've added the English translations, Rhetoric as Philosophy and Renaissance Humanism to my wishlist, and then I'll do some interlibrary loans for further reading.
Did Grassi write primary texts in German as well as Italian? Of course I'm going to look at "Vorrang des Wortes" though as you can imagine my German is so broken down by now fat lot of good it'll do me. (But I'm soo curious, so inspired by this topic. I have to look.)
For I while I searched blogs for other people talking about Grassi. Crickets. Happy to hear from you, Antonia.
I should reread Metaphor sometime because I think I was too dismissive of the abyssal back in 2006, or anyway I'd like to think it again. I'm going to read Corradi-Fiumara on metaphor first, though. Just felt like announcing that.
yeah Rhetoric as Philosophy i have too and i assume well his books are all variation on the metaphor theme and some emphasise one aspect more than the other so that one book may have gaps like the terpsichore one which are made good in some other book only you don't know always in which other book he writes about it. sometimes there are references but not always. The one on "Folly & Insanity" is quite charming.
It could very well be that "Renaissance Humanism" is a translation of "Vorrang des Wortes" and if so it should be very good for it was written as an introductory book for students and is quite concise. but i am not sure about that.
I know he wrote a lot of books in German, i think more than in Italian.
actually i find his treatment of the abyssal not awfully convincing myself either, but it deserves a closer look, i agree. i do love his resurrection of philosophical pistis in "Primordial Metaphor" and what he does with aristotle.
Haven't read Corradi-Fiumara, but will add to the lists. there are too many books...and almost all are interesting. i'm reading jaspers these days.
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