A round up of some news from blogs I read.
- Happy Birthday Dissoi Bloggoi!
- Kieran Satiya is assuredly not alone in lamenting the decline of footnotes.
- Uriah concentrates on concentration.
- Mixing Memory has been nominated for a Koufax Award for Best Expert Blog. Tough competition, but Mixing Memory is definitely among the best.
- Rex at Savage Minds higlights a booksale from Univeristy of California Press. Some great titles at decent prices, not just anthropology, but a good selection in that area.
- Brandon looks at could vs. can, or propositional modality vs. predicate modality. This follows I think from discussions started by Richard at Philosophy et cetera.
- Dylan Trigg has been reading Ricoeur. Okay, I'm falling behind here. The first two in the series were great. I will read the others today when I finish posting.
- Gary Sauer-Thompson has been looking at Nietzche's biology, Deleuze' idea of the body in Nietzsche & Philosophy, and related. This is an impressive bit of concentration--but no worries. Today's post on Adorno confirms that his blog really isn't a dissertation, but a philosopher's conversation.
Paul says: Are Deleuze and Guattari having some kind of revival post mortem Derrida?
BTW I just finished a bk that writes a bit about Deleuze/Guattari/Heidegger/von Uexkull and tons of others...
'The Primacy of Semiosis:an ontology of relations.' Not for serious academics.
The publisher's page is here:
You can pre-order it from Amazon or ask your favorite book seller.
Of course I am going to read it. It looks to be a serious challenge to some of my pet metaphysical notions, and kind of fun too. When I blog about it though, I'll be sure to add the caveat "Not for serious academics."
A Deleuze and Guattari revival post mortem Derrida? I don't know. In my own reading, I had ignored Deleuze for many years--and I'm still waiting on Difference and Repetition to come through interlibrary loan. Recently my curiosity was piqued by Gary's discussions of Deleuze on the topics of transcendental empiricism and vitalism. I've not read von Uexküll --so much for being a reading machine--but it's on my radar.
If there's a relationship to Derrida's expiration, perhaps it has to do with how long it takes for ideas to percolate. Or how ideas become safe for academic consumption. But I really wouldn't know.
Paul: Forgot to mention the bk includes (in the concl. a final line of flight towards the Argentinian school of philosophy/electroneurobiology.
Check the site and look for 'Palindrome' by Crocco as well as Szirko's essay "Effects of relativistic motion....'
Also a strange picture of a person with two heads - thus being 2 persons - but that's another story.
Try a google or Wikipeidia on Cadacualtez (each-oneness).
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